Monday, April 25, 2011


The three books that influenced me the greatest in my life are The Goosebump Series, Harry Potter series, and  The Things They Carried

The reason why The Goosebump Series is influential in my life is because of one reason, it got me started on reading.  It is the first time that I was afraid of my own imagination and it scared the crap out of me.  I own over 30 different goosebump books.

The Harry Potter series further fermented my love for books.  I used to be terrify of big books but after reading Harry Potter, I came to a realization that each page is another adventure and didn't want to stop reading at all.  Harry Potter removed the fear of big 1000 page books for me.

Harry Potter books

The Things They Carried is another great book that have changed my views of the world.  Before I read this book, I was lead to believe that war is glorious and every man should participate.  This book shows the hardship and pain of war.  It opened my eyes to a hidden truth; war is terrifying.

my high school English project that had some of the Things They Carried stuff

Those are the books that have influenced my life.  Sure its definitely not the only one but those three stands out.

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